I am impressed. Two days off, in a row and on the weekend. This doesn't happen much anymore. Danial is making me a delicious breakfast as we speak. I'm pretty excited.
The next month will be a gross one. I my last month of school with lots of lovely things due, I am working 40 plus hours and have multiple admissions essays etc due. I'm becoming overwhelmed but trying soo hard not to.
We still haven't made it to PEI haha. I feel like we will be lucky to make it home for Christmas. I know that if we don't we will probably have family visit us here.
Our neighbors are crazy. The military police were over there again last night after a fight (at least screaming) in their front yard. One person had a baby in her arms while standing outside in that mess. Seriously, take the baby inside when people could be getting violent.
I guess that is all for now!