Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mumblings about work

Work: I rarely discuss anything about my work on here although it is what I spend to majority of my time on. My brain is currently swimming with various levels as associated with mental health. The personal, political, professional and many other layers. I have been working in my role for just over a year. I am learning the extremely differing education which leads to a completely different view of the same work. It's interesting because the professionals from differing disciplines are essentially completing the same role. Yet our training takes such different angles. Predominately, I find my workplace focuses on the mental health of the individual. If you are reading this and are not in the field of mental health, you are likely thinking, so what? Well, I definitely focus on the individual but I cannot view the person without the systems that they are living within. When I see a person, I do not just see the "mental health symptoms". I see the various systems that are at play which is hugely because of my education (and personality) focus on the System's Theory. I have never met a person who does not work within differing systems. Myself for example: I am an educated female from a particular graduating class. I am a daughter, aunt, sister, girlfriend, ex-wife, worker in the social sciences, part of an interdisciplinary team, French student, hockey player, etc, etc. Each of these roles connects me to a system. The interactions I have and receive from each system cause a chain reaction and have an impact on my behavior in other aspects of my life. In simple terms; CONTEXT. My context along with my genetics, personality and learned values all have an impact on who I am. This is so driven by the other people and organizations that I am associated with. So in my day to day personal life, and work life, I find it impossible to look at a "man as an island". My brain almost automatically registers the impact of the various systems that a person lives within. I realize that this is not the typical way of viewing things. This as well as an analytical mind lead to me interpreting a simple comment in 4 different ways. Perhaps I over think at times which can cause trouble. But in general I have a lot of appreciation and respect for people given the various factors that shape who they are. I won't complain about that!! I just need to be mindful that this is not the view that all (or many) take, even within the field of mental health. Of course, like any workplace there are many many many components beyond a basic set of practicing principles that have my wheels turning. My ultimate point is today I had another experience that further concreted the idea that I strongly prefer not to get hung up on diagnosing a client as mentally ill and focusing on how to "fix" their illness. I much prefer to look at the person as they are with all of the complexities that their systems bring. I wish to focus on improving health... maybe healing of sorts rather than "fixing the problem (person). So if my beliefs differ from the medical mental health system, I seem to be left with more to ponder. Do I take a stand and attempt to introduce coworker to this other way of thinking? Or do I find another avenue to work within a place that fits with my values of being "therapeutic". I mean, in the ideal situation, I could be flexible, work within a flexible system that allows various approaches to treatment whether it is individual or systemic. I wonder.

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