Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Just angry. I was kind of mad at myself before. I was mostly feeling bad. Guilty. Whatever. Sad. I felt terrible in a lot of ways. But I haven't been angry at him. I was angry at him before. For a long time. But when it came to the end I just took all the responsibility. Now. After the time has gone by, I am remembering what has pissed me off. And imagine, I am angry again. The good thing is that I am not full of rage. I am simply angry. Remembering. Maybe this time I won't forget. I am more than willing to take responsibility for my parts. I think that there is a possibility that I can not only forgive myself but forgive him too.

Monday, July 14, 2014


So this is what it feels like to be alone. Or what I suppose loneliness is. Yuck.