Sunday, November 01, 2015

Today Today I can tell that it was real The way we used to look at one and other The way you'd make me feel Despite each day changing As the seasons in a year I'm confident that what we had Was a true memory safe to bring With me year after year In fact today I am so sure That our connection that was so sweet Continues to exist Despite our attempts to Cause it defeat I'm quite sure you continue to feel it Though it may hibernate and spring to life As a tree which brings with it, a renewed life Today I have this sense of knowing No longer causing self sorrow With queries of Fiction or fact And have come to the realization Though the world is ever changing Feelings change from day to day There is absolutely no chance of changing What was left with us from that day Take care dear friend I am tuly sorry for the pain I hope your life is blissful And passions continue to ignite your flame Xo jemm

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