Thursday, November 30, 2006

It is 1:45am and I get to work tomorrow. Too bad I cant sleep. I just cant stop thinking when i go to bed lately. I am constantly daydreaming.
Hopefully this post will make me tired enough to sleep.

This week I had a few days vacation.. pretty cool I basically chilled with Dan and Tasha. I have actually been kinda sick for about a week. Sick enough to make me not want to do anything but not sick enough to miss any days i had to work.
Dan and I finally got some yard stuff finished.. We made a wooden railing for our front step today. That was fun ,,I dont think i did too bad using the eletric saw. I have been in christmas mode too.. Doing some decorating around the house. I did skip out on a pot luck that was suposed to be at work tonight. It sounded really fun.. everyone would bring in really yummy food and do christmas decorating crafts.

Sounded fun, but not fun enough for me to go in on my last day of vacation.
So I was just sitting here staring blank for about 10 minutes which to me means I have nothing left to post lol.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

new way

.. So I have been doing well with stuff.. yep thats right .. stuff.. Work is good.. I really like my job. And when you are working full time .. it's important.

I kind if feel like I have turned a new leaf.. I usually am feeling really refreshed feeling.. and when i feel depressed.. i just use it to motivate me.

mmm My hands smell like vanilla.
I just went blank,..
Dan and I are finally makeing our place feel like home.. Our walls arent quite so bare. still have a closet half full of unpacked things.. for most part we are good though.. We are such pack rats.. We keep the most meaningless peices of paper.. Like a blank paper I had a doodle of a flower on it..

We found a bag that we didnt unpack since 2003 which had broken glass from the front of an art piece.. I cant believe how horrible my spelling has gotten.. Dam high tech computers and auto spell check.. meh

If ANYONE wants a kitty .. they are ready to go now.. We found a home for one so there are 2 left.. both girl kitties.. on fluffy one medium haired.

I cant live meuch longer with 4 cats.. Cats are great.. Its just cleaning up 4 cats poop box that sucks. blah ..

I also would like to **announce that Dan and I will be hosting a New Years bash this year... The more the merrier! I dont know how many people look at this blog so i will make sure to pass the word more so when it gets closer.

i guess thats enough jabbering for now..

Monday, November 13, 2006

skndal it!!!

I have a kitty scratch on my pinky finger.. oh well.. I miss everyone!!!!! I went to visit tash last weekend and had a wicked time. here are some new pics.. some from the trippppp