Sunday, June 26, 2005

I think I will pukeif time goes any quicker.. arg.. What happened to the spring? Next Friday, it is july.
ahh.. scary

Yesterday it was about 36 degrees.. and then it felt like at least 40 with the humidity. I was lucky for the worse part of the day cause I was working inside with air conditioning.

So i got drunk last night.. The first time in a whle.. Since I did have today off I thought last night I couldnt just let it goto waste! I got a head start on drinking cause Dan didnt get off work till 1am..

and while i was waiting I decided I wanted to go and 'makes some friends'
I didnt know how I would do this .. So I decided to go on a adventure.. I got dressed and went walking in the middel of the night by myself drunk! woo hoo..

I was on my way to go over the walking bridge.. and had gotten my feet and legs covered in mud.. so I took of my sandals.. and staggered along the wooden bridge..
It was the most at home I htink that i have ever felt in fredericton..

It was amazingly nice out.. with the odd cool breeze.. It felt like i was walking towards a beach.. especially because I was surounded by water..

Near the end of the bridge I randomly snuck to one of the hidden benches to dry my feet and legs , to put my sandals back on..

While I was walking I noticed that there was someone walking behind me..and by the time I was ready to go I knew that he wouldnt be that far away.

So I JUMPED out and scared the shit out of him..
It was easy to tell that he was nervous.

and that is how I 'Made my friend' He accompanied me downtown fredericton.. I was kinda paranoid about him.. and had my keys between my fingers, just in case. He did say strange things.. I began to wonder how I would split ways with him.or if he would just tag along with me all night?

While walking I saw this random fountain,, and being me I rand and jumped up by it and began putting my hands in the water.. he followed.. and the next thing I know I was soaking wet.. He was splashing me! I got really wierded out .. and jumped backto the sidewalk.. wondering how this would end..

We walked only a couple minutes more when he rear to the right... to go into an alley.

and then said.. this nice meeting you "what's your name?"
"Nice to meet you Jenn, Im Randy"

Just like that i was on my own again.
I actually kindagot lost..eventually finding myself outside all the different bars..
It was intersting to see the crowd types change just as i walked down the street.

I then bumped itno another guy.and we chit chatted for quite a while.. He seemed uite well known.. random flocks of ppl would stop and talk for a while..
ewww..i just remembered that i took a drag off a strangers cig.. eww! blah..
okay.. im done writing about my night that was interesting, mostly to me.. lol

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