Wednesday, May 11, 2005

lllp lllp

La loo la to boota bang!
So .. Today was an intersting day..
The weather in freddy is georgous first off.. even though there is suposed to be rain...
So yesterday i applied for jobs...Some crappier than others..
Then I went to this nice pub to apply.. and the guy is the assistant chief fro campus police {To be more exact my bossette :P haha Insidish thing)
He told me to come around 930am the following morning (This morning) and he would be a reference for me.. and would put in a good word.. coolio
So i woke up @ 930am this morning all grupmy and said screw it.. i dont care..I hate job hunting..
Then at 1000am i got a phone call from Panos..this greek restaurant (Pardon all of my spelling) ..He asked me a couple of questions and said he would like to schedule and interview.. I told him that the only time that i wasnt available would be tomorro until the afternoon(I have to go to an information meeting for this call center that i applied to..and keep applying for and then backing out cause i find a better job)..Then he was like "How about today..I can do it before 1200pm.. (Talk about short notice).Of course i didnt care and said "Sure" ..So i barely made it there on time.. And had a strange meeting with the owner and this other gal right at the front desk.. (I later found out that she is in charge of the dining room)..And was one of my lucky times when they didnt really aske me interview questions and except "When can you start" .. I said my usual "Anytime" and they said "Okay..can you start right now?" i was caught so off guard..but i did it.. it wasnt too hard.. i jsu got to know the run of things and helped them whenever needed.. for like 2 hours .. (Which earned me about 10$dollard of tips)
Then later than Dan expeceted
He pretednted to be mad or upset or something.. but then i could tell he had a surprise for me.. which was that this other job had called for an interview..
We then went and did some shopping;.. when we got back Quiznos called for an interview (I applied for both Quiznos and Panos yesterday)
To say the least it has been an intersting day..
I made Danial supper ( for once :P) We had some more of the wine from the night before.. Everything is going pretty good..Just good enough for something to screw it up.
I wonder what i will end up hating about working at Panos? hmm.. i will just have to wait and see i guess.
My feet are aching from girl shoes.. they are all blistered and jsut beautiful..
I am now off to watch my Jim Carrey in "A serie of unfortanate Events" :D
And to drink Brazillian beer..

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