1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
Sold a house, moved to a downtown location, go to Calgary and volunteer at a crisis center.
2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't think I made a resolution last year. This year I hope to avoid freaking over the small stuff focus more on the present (so yes to the second part of this question)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Chelsea Ling! aka Matt's lady
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Not this year thankfully
5. What countries did you visit?
Didn't visit- just lived in good ol Canada
6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
A decision about my school path. Curtains.
7. What dates from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
December 14- random adventure with Heather, Lin and Sharlene
November 13- Too cheesy
August 12- 2nd wedding anny
September 9- 6 six years with Dan
Last week of September- Trip to Alberta!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I became less of a bitch and less stubborn
9. What was your biggest failure?
Not being there as much as I should of been for my friend during her first serious breakup experience.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was sick off and on for 2 months after my Calgary trip. I had an ear infection. My car accident knee wound has been killing me, had a lovely fall down the pizza delight stairs (911 jail) and have gorgeous bruises that randomly form on my legs. I have been falling apart this year.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
laptop.. maybe?
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Rob.. appalled- not depressed
14. Where did most of your money go?
going out, movies, booze
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Road trips.. surprisingly on PEI, trip to Alberta, selling out house, randomly bumping into people that I consider awesome. Sadly last night a 'The Hills' episode. Dancing!
16. What songs will always remind you of 2008?
Womanizer, I kissed a girl, put your hand up on my hip, clumsy, Hot n cold.. clearly I do not know the actual names of many songs
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Both to the extreme. I have been bipolar this year (no pun intended)
b) thinner or fatter? a little fatter
c) richer or poorer? richer...
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Painting, road trips, exercise
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Getting into silly T.V. series
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
Dan and I have already celebrated, then my grams, my 'rents and then the 'rent in law's
21. Did you fall in love in 2008?
22. How many one-night stands?
I don't think it counts when it is with your husband
23. What was your favourite TV program?
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is a strong word but I dislike one particular person more this year than ever.
25.What was the best book you read?
Jane Eyre
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Battery Point hehehe
27. What did you want and get?
A different perspective on life
28. What did you want and not get?
To hitch hike across Canada or the US 60's style :(
29. What was your favourite film of this year?
Into The Wild
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Went to Gahan for drinks with matt, chelsea, Tasha and Danial and enjoyed a gift of Vanilla vodka
31.What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Having the house sell before July, I would be living in Toronto right now otherwise.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
I would wear random clothes that I found or randomly turned up in my laundry.
33. What kept you sane?
Danial, Sarah, Tasha and long hot bubble baths
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I have been obsessed with Tyra this year.. I am brave enough to admit it ;)
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
ABORTION- and how a woman's body deserves to be her own. How when a woman become pregnant her body suddenly becomes societies concern. This as well as many other women issues.
36. Who did you miss?
Tasha, Mitch and other people who I have lost contact with over the years.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
Sarah :D
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008?
To understand the origin of things before jumping to join
39. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
any song that talks about ups/downs, enjoying being young.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I am a baby
A few minutes ago I was watching the Planet Earth DVD set and CRIED when a wolf caught a calf. I balled. Dan had no idea why I was sobbing over it and kept telling me "it's nauture,,, hunny, like the circle of life" .. Talk about being overly emotional!!
Friday, December 12, 2008
I am sitting on my couch and here random clunks and rattles coming from the neighbours. Whatever it is, it keeps running up an down along the wall we share. Hmm I wonder what they are doing. I am sooo not used to hearing people living near by. I have never heard them talk. This makes me wonder if it is because they are mute of if little sound travels between the walls. I would prefer that my neighbours did not hear all of the conversations that I have.
I am not in a good mood at the moment. Hell with it.. I am sad. I got really frustrated because I could not get my point across to Danial about something stupid. Fuck that pisses me off.
I bumped into a crazy girl that I used to be friends with today. I didn't exchange words, just facial expressions. Her craziness was not just 'fun' it was also 'crazy bitch'. Some interesting memories though.
I am not in a good mood at the moment. Hell with it.. I am sad. I got really frustrated because I could not get my point across to Danial about something stupid. Fuck that pisses me off.
I bumped into a crazy girl that I used to be friends with today. I didn't exchange words, just facial expressions. Her craziness was not just 'fun' it was also 'crazy bitch'. Some interesting memories though.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
School's Out/ Chicken
So I thought I would be a dork and post a couple pics of my kitty. She is clearly cranky in both pictures.. She does not enjoy the flash of a camera in her eyes.
All in all I have been having a good week. It is always nice to spend time with friends and family after being hidden away from the world for a while.. Honestley, I was only really 'hidden' from my parents. I made a visit out there recently. I am going to be sure to see both of my grandmothers over the holidays too.
Today my plan is simple-- get together with Ali for hot chocolate and then go to the gym. I am getting excited about going xmas shopping. Our trip to Halifax isn't going to happen so that leave a couple of extra dollars to do things.
I hate the fact that it is raining outside. I can't stand gross slush.
I got a mark back on one of my final papers which I didn't think was amazing and I got a 90 on it. Something like this happened in another class where I had two projects worth 20 percent each. I got 97 on one and 100 on the other. On top of that the class had 'participation' points worth ten percent of the grade. There is 50 percent that I got full marks for. I like to think that it is because I am smart and get good grades, but I have the strange idea that maybe the professors are 'easy markers'. This shouldn't bother, but it kind of does. I didn't want to attend university to get the whole 'Internet scam style' degree. I get how people think that since they "Pay so much money for university they deserve a decent grade" but I think that is crap. I want to go to university and feel like I am making an accomplishment. Maybe this is asking too much?
Whatever. I love how people have such strong opinions about the stingy requirements to get into certain programs. I agree that some of the requirements are crazy because they do not even pertain to the area but for most part they are logical.
I had an interesting debate with a chick recently about how some school programs require volunteer experience. She thought this was outrageous. Once again, I can understand her thoughts but she couldn't see past it. She thought that since she pays money to a place that it should be enough and she should be able to get into whatever area that she wants by waving around the dollar bills. Isn't this kind of crazy? I know that it may happen, but it is scary to think about high class medical doctors having no 'medical smarts' and be performing surgery. I am sorry lady, but I pray that you will never have the funding to operate on me.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Stupid Apartment
grr.. I am no princess but I get reeeallly annoyed with the shit that does not work in this apartment. I don't think that we have a single doorknob that works as it should. I went to go do dishes today and of course the plug does now work. Dan bought this flat plastic thing that moves everytime something bumps into it. Eff..
Okay I feel a little better.
I dont think that it is a horrible place to live. It is pretty good actually. I just dont have patience for things that do not work.
So I guess that I was a lot more stressed about school than I realized. After I became aware that this term has been complete I felt all light, airy and happy. Happy is good.
I am excited for the gals party tomorrow night. I am curious if people will be more in the "woooooo partay" or "Pj's and movies" mood. I will be happy with either or.
I would like to thank Tash for the "Early christmas pres". I can't wait till you move home!!!!! :D :D :D
It has been far to close to a year which is waaayyy to long.
Okay I feel a little better.
I dont think that it is a horrible place to live. It is pretty good actually. I just dont have patience for things that do not work.
So I guess that I was a lot more stressed about school than I realized. After I became aware that this term has been complete I felt all light, airy and happy. Happy is good.
I am excited for the gals party tomorrow night. I am curious if people will be more in the "woooooo partay" or "Pj's and movies" mood. I will be happy with either or.
I would like to thank Tash for the "Early christmas pres". I can't wait till you move home!!!!! :D :D :D
It has been far to close to a year which is waaayyy to long.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
*As Is*
So, I was becoming more and more frustrated with studying for exams so I decided to take a break and post. I am quite surprised with the amount of posting that I have been up to lately. I have two exams and then my semester is complete. I am pretty bored of school right now, but who isn't? If finances allow it I plan to go out this weekend after working hard all term. Not that this would be an extreme special treat because I have been out a lot since I moved into town.
I don't have anything too interesting to say which means that I am clearly only posting to avoid other things that need to be done.
I have been expectantly began to understand myself more lately. This is kind of funny because I always had a good grasp of 'me' in the past. I went through some tough times in the last couple of years and have coped in ways unusual for myself. I am so custom to just blabbering anything that comes to my mind and having instant relief that I am impressed to finally be able to tame it down a bit.
Naturally, this does not apply when I am overly intoxicated.
I went to the other extreme for a while which was attempting to keep it all down-- as I should have already known, this does not work for me.
I love being married and am happy that Danial and I have a mutual understanding of what marriage is to us. I have far too many times den when couples have completely different expectations of themselves and each other which lead to ultimate confusion.
I am glad to say that I feel like a generally happy person.
I don't have anything too interesting to say which means that I am clearly only posting to avoid other things that need to be done.
I have been expectantly began to understand myself more lately. This is kind of funny because I always had a good grasp of 'me' in the past. I went through some tough times in the last couple of years and have coped in ways unusual for myself. I am so custom to just blabbering anything that comes to my mind and having instant relief that I am impressed to finally be able to tame it down a bit.
Naturally, this does not apply when I am overly intoxicated.
I went to the other extreme for a while which was attempting to keep it all down-- as I should have already known, this does not work for me.
I love being married and am happy that Danial and I have a mutual understanding of what marriage is to us. I have far too many times den when couples have completely different expectations of themselves and each other which lead to ultimate confusion.
I am glad to say that I feel like a generally happy person.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I wish that I didn't but I do--CCR Baby~I love you
Kind of in a rhyme mood today. My rhymes are always song so I guess that they are more melodies.
Current Setting-
On Dan's computer in the living room while Mr X is in the office performing click floor. Dan has gone for a run and I am apparently timing him. He did what I was going to when we moved to town.. He is running on a regular basis and cutting down the junk food. He is sculpting his muscles and hopes that I will call him a hunk.
It was a long boring day today. It was my final days of classes for the term :)! Yep, kind of exciting. I did not get the end of the term kick that usually happens. 2 exams and then I am finished... holidays indeed.
I really wish that I had a extra large bath tub to have a nive relaxing bath. I don't mind our new place but I am a bit nervous to bath it up. I remember living on West Ridge Cres and having a bath. Wonderful thing about apartments is that often the part of the tub that you rest you head is situated so that you can see directly behind the toilet. To my horror I glanced in that direction and it was like a secret portal for monsters to escape into our realm throughout the night. SO gross. It was like a gross mold growth that was furry? Just so happened to cover the entire back of the toilet.
This is something that I have come to fear. This apartment too has that special toilet/tub situation and I am likely going to avoid it.

So... I thought I would post this pic of creepy me and Tash from New Years 2007 (I think).. It's hard to believe how short my hair is! I can't believe how creepy I am..Oh well..
I am kind of surprised that I already am missing things about our house. We put a lot of work into at the end and it became more and more of a home. 3 years living in one place is a long time for me. I already miss having my own deck, fire pit, flower beds.. etc. It was the right decision though. We don't have it holding us back anymore, so I will just have to look forward to the next time we purchase/build a home.
Current Setting-
On Dan's computer in the living room while Mr X is in the office performing click floor. Dan has gone for a run and I am apparently timing him. He did what I was going to when we moved to town.. He is running on a regular basis and cutting down the junk food. He is sculpting his muscles and hopes that I will call him a hunk.
It was a long boring day today. It was my final days of classes for the term :)! Yep, kind of exciting. I did not get the end of the term kick that usually happens. 2 exams and then I am finished... holidays indeed.
I really wish that I had a extra large bath tub to have a nive relaxing bath. I don't mind our new place but I am a bit nervous to bath it up. I remember living on West Ridge Cres and having a bath. Wonderful thing about apartments is that often the part of the tub that you rest you head is situated so that you can see directly behind the toilet. To my horror I glanced in that direction and it was like a secret portal for monsters to escape into our realm throughout the night. SO gross. It was like a gross mold growth that was furry? Just so happened to cover the entire back of the toilet.
This is something that I have come to fear. This apartment too has that special toilet/tub situation and I am likely going to avoid it.
So... I thought I would post this pic of creepy me and Tash from New Years 2007 (I think).. It's hard to believe how short my hair is! I can't believe how creepy I am..Oh well..
I am kind of surprised that I already am missing things about our house. We put a lot of work into at the end and it became more and more of a home. 3 years living in one place is a long time for me. I already miss having my own deck, fire pit, flower beds.. etc. It was the right decision though. We don't have it holding us back anymore, so I will just have to look forward to the next time we purchase/build a home.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
My Glade Plug-in Overwhelms Me
I have way too much to do but instead I have decided to post! ahah. So I am sitting in my living room right now listening to Dan make supper while being overwhelmed by the fresh glade plug-in. I don't know what is wrong with me but my sense of smell is reallly sensitive. An example of it is our new apartment-- usually I would be used to the smell by now, but I can still smell the people that were here previously. I am not saying that they stink-- it just really confuses me. This is probably because I had the luxury of living in a new home that had no previous owner smell.
I think that the strangest thing about my newly acquired sense of smell is that when I get a "whiff" it is like a smack in the face. *Pow* Here you go-- a blast of an overwhelming scent.
The last time that I remember having this issue is when I lived in Fredericton and worked at BMO on Saturdays. After being up later and intoxicated the night before I had the special ability of smelling all of the scents associated with each individual that I waited on that day. :S :S Not a good experience.
Today while re-organizing/unpacking we came across the Christmas decorations which brought up my spirits a bit and I put up a couple of things :). I am trying really hard to avoid decorating full fledged until I am finished of this semester.
Eww. I just looked at my foot that had fallen asleep and it has turned a dark purple.
I look forward to tonight because I am getting together with Sarah for coffee! I love how certain people can make me so happy when I see them.
I think that the strangest thing about my newly acquired sense of smell is that when I get a "whiff" it is like a smack in the face. *Pow* Here you go-- a blast of an overwhelming scent.
The last time that I remember having this issue is when I lived in Fredericton and worked at BMO on Saturdays. After being up later and intoxicated the night before I had the special ability of smelling all of the scents associated with each individual that I waited on that day. :S :S Not a good experience.
Today while re-organizing/unpacking we came across the Christmas decorations which brought up my spirits a bit and I put up a couple of things :). I am trying really hard to avoid decorating full fledged until I am finished of this semester.
Eww. I just looked at my foot that had fallen asleep and it has turned a dark purple.
I look forward to tonight because I am getting together with Sarah for coffee! I love how certain people can make me so happy when I see them.
Friday, November 21, 2008
I am half asleep right now,,, but this is not unusual. I am almost sickened with how far into November it is. Next thing to come and go is christmas.
It is that busy time of the school term where everything is due and everyone is so drained from classes. It will be awsome when it is over. I will have almost a month off from school :) Of course I have no special plans for this time other than pick a few extra shifts and prepare for christmas.
Danial has been doing awsome with the unpacking. I have not done any of it because I am "only school mode".
I have been thinking (as I sometimes do) about how things have changed. I have met some realy awesome people since high school, but my original buds will always have a special place in my heart. I am not in contact with quite a few people who have been really important to me. I know that it is normal for people to drift apart... It's just that I miss them. When I look at Danial I am in awe because he is still close to his original friends (minus a few exceptions).
I don't know.. maybe I just didn't/haven't put in enough time or effort to keep in touch... blah.. it doesn't matter what the reasons are.... I just MISS THEM.
I hate (right now) how so much of life is focusing on the past or the future. It seems almost impossible to only think about the here and now.
Even though I am having all of these thoughts about the past I am pretty happy with the present. I will no longer be waiting for hours and hours for Danial to get off work to go home.
oh--side note: I have not lost touch with everyone that I went to grade school. I have successfully reconnected with a couple of yas (Jill, Tasha). You two are important to me too :)
It is that busy time of the school term where everything is due and everyone is so drained from classes. It will be awsome when it is over. I will have almost a month off from school :) Of course I have no special plans for this time other than pick a few extra shifts and prepare for christmas.
Danial has been doing awsome with the unpacking. I have not done any of it because I am "only school mode".
I have been thinking (as I sometimes do) about how things have changed. I have met some realy awesome people since high school, but my original buds will always have a special place in my heart. I am not in contact with quite a few people who have been really important to me. I know that it is normal for people to drift apart... It's just that I miss them. When I look at Danial I am in awe because he is still close to his original friends (minus a few exceptions).
I don't know.. maybe I just didn't/haven't put in enough time or effort to keep in touch... blah.. it doesn't matter what the reasons are.... I just MISS THEM.
I hate (right now) how so much of life is focusing on the past or the future. It seems almost impossible to only think about the here and now.
Even though I am having all of these thoughts about the past I am pretty happy with the present. I will no longer be waiting for hours and hours for Danial to get off work to go home.
oh--side note: I have not lost touch with everyone that I went to grade school. I have successfully reconnected with a couple of yas (Jill, Tasha). You two are important to me too :)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Since I last posted a lot of stuff has happened.. the most exciting is that we sold our house. It was completely unexpected because our house was not even officially for sale anymore. Our original Realtor contacted us and said that someone wanted to look at our place. We said 'okay' and they made an offer the same day that they saw it. On top of that they gave us less than two weeks for closing of the mortgage. Honestly, everything was very much still not official until less than a week before closing pending their mortgage approval and our house inspection. This left us with very little time to pack and find a place. Somehow we managed to do this and are now moved into an apartment in Charlottetown.
New found freedom! I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Right now Danial and I have plans that could take us anywhere across Canada so it was a relief to have the place sold.
I am really enjoying living with the convenience of Urban life. We are pretty close to the heart of Charlottetown and I am not used to saving all this time that was previously used for traveling to and from. It is going to take a while to get used to the 'city noises'.
Even with the stress and craziness of moving I have been in a good mood lately. I am happy that this has finally fell into place.
Since I last posted a lot of stuff has happened.. the most exciting is that we sold our house. It was completely unexpected because our house was not even officially for sale anymore. Our original Realtor contacted us and said that someone wanted to look at our place. We said 'okay' and they made an offer the same day that they saw it. On top of that they gave us less than two weeks for closing of the mortgage. Honestly, everything was very much still not official until less than a week before closing pending their mortgage approval and our house inspection. This left us with very little time to pack and find a place. Somehow we managed to do this and are now moved into an apartment in Charlottetown.
New found freedom! I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Right now Danial and I have plans that could take us anywhere across Canada so it was a relief to have the place sold.
I am really enjoying living with the convenience of Urban life. We are pretty close to the heart of Charlottetown and I am not used to saving all this time that was previously used for traveling to and from. It is going to take a while to get used to the 'city noises'.
Even with the stress and craziness of moving I have been in a good mood lately. I am happy that this has finally fell into place.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Never said it would be easy,
but who said it would be his hard?
It doesn't seem fair
To you or to me
to be caught up in that type of fantasy
I try and I try to put myself in your shoes
It doesn't work and is fustrating,
Like spinning thread onto spools
Then I noticed
There are forbidden names
Names that aren't said
without emotional turns
Why are there limits?
To what can be said or done?
Life is without freedom
no matter what we have said or done
It was previously simple
The rules were clear
But when the time comes it changes
It is all so confusing,
because of within
not lost in translation,
with varsious tongues or fears
but who said it would be his hard?
It doesn't seem fair
To you or to me
to be caught up in that type of fantasy
I try and I try to put myself in your shoes
It doesn't work and is fustrating,
Like spinning thread onto spools
Then I noticed
There are forbidden names
Names that aren't said
without emotional turns
Why are there limits?
To what can be said or done?
Life is without freedom
no matter what we have said or done
It was previously simple
The rules were clear
But when the time comes it changes
It is all so confusing,
because of within
not lost in translation,
with varsious tongues or fears
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I wonder-----
I am currently avoiding school work. This is something that was regular when I was at UNB but hardly happens anymore. I am extremely overwhelmed right now ("is it possible to be 'whelmed'" haha). My brain is spinning. I can't complain too much though because I have had an okay day today. I got back a couple of assignments and did better than I expected to. That makes it okay. I am glad that I will now be having both Monday and Friday off. I really need it! I was finding that working on Monday just stressed me out. I will still work Saturdays, which I don't mind. I can do whatever on the weekend as long as i get sunday to catch up on reading.
Obviously school is on my mind A LOT. That is the biggest part of my life right now. I feel like I am at such strange point in life. I think that I feel like that any time that I think clearly about my situation.
Other than school and work, I am volunteering at two places. One is quite organized- a crisis centre the other not as organized- i basically pick the events that I would like to take part in. In the past I never would have understood just how much cna be learned from volunteering. I have always been the type to take pride in my job, but volunteering give me a different aspect.
ah.. I know what I need.. a chill night out of the house. Not a big adventure or a bar scene but just something simple.
I ran out of my favorite Chai tea ..
Obviously school is on my mind A LOT. That is the biggest part of my life right now. I feel like I am at such strange point in life. I think that I feel like that any time that I think clearly about my situation.
Other than school and work, I am volunteering at two places. One is quite organized- a crisis centre the other not as organized- i basically pick the events that I would like to take part in. In the past I never would have understood just how much cna be learned from volunteering. I have always been the type to take pride in my job, but volunteering give me a different aspect.
ah.. I know what I need.. a chill night out of the house. Not a big adventure or a bar scene but just something simple.
I ran out of my favorite Chai tea ..
Monday, October 20, 2008
Finally curtains in the living room. It only took 3 years and we were too cheap to purchase our own. Mom was nice enough to give me an old set. I don't like getting too "homey" here though, because I fully intend to move out.
The market it so awful right now that our house is a hard sell. I feel like it holds me back. I was going to be in Toronto for September 2008 but cancelled because of the house not selling.
I watched the movie "Into the Wild". I have been thinking about it a lot because it is so bittersweet. Sometimes I can completely relate to him. I too, was once was all honest and found it horribly fustrating to realize that it isn't how people work. I love how this story describes freedom. Ultimate freedom being into the wild with no strings attached. I wish that I could just go somewhere.. get up and leave without having obligations. Not likely ey? It is one of those things that I hear most people say at least once.
I know that I say it all the time, but I am shocked how different my life is now than what I expected. And I am only 22. The pressure is more and more 'on' to be responsible as we get older and older. I can totally relate to the people who never settle down. I wish that I could have a real adventure. Even though I say this I realize that it probably won't happen. Not with my current situation at least. I really want to explore, but not in a structured way.
I went on a trip to Calgary which was awsome. I am surprised with how different it is compared with the maritimes! Even compared with Central Canada it is a huge change.
Another tihng about the "Into the Wild" story that makes me think is about solitude. Even though I love people and would be extremely lonely without anyone, I sometimes wish to be completely alone. I don't just mean alone for a day to myself. I sometimes wish that I could be alone for months and months at a time. I have fantasies about what it would be like. Life is so busy that I don't get too much time for self reflection any more. Now that I am a little more mature I understand that this is simply 'life'. I wonder if being alone would increase my creativity or simply make me see clearly that I have lost my creativity?
I think it would be interesting to be alone for an extended period of time and then see who would come across me. Would I have interesting insights? Or would I simply turn into a crazy?
Oh here is another thought... Children... I think that it is funny that I was brought up to automatically assume that I would have kids someday. It is made to seem to logical and natural. Would it be horribly selfish to not have children? I think that the ability to create life is amazing but why should I feel like I want to do this. It is interesting that so many people feel that they need to have children to be fufilled. I certainly want to be fufilled or to reach "self actualization" but I believe that baby making is not required.
Now this is not saying that I do not want to have kids, it is just me questioning how the idea of having kids was placed in my mind.
There is something that I need to do to reach fufillment, but I wonder if striving to reach this is what keeps humans active and happy. If I reached my full potential I guess that I can then continue to retain it, but I think that people would loose interest in life.
All that I know is that my deepest "want" is not material. I am not sure if it is an adventure or to attempt becomeing a better person but the "want" is there.
If only I could sufficently psychoanalize myself. haha.
questions questions questions. I am full of them.
The market it so awful right now that our house is a hard sell. I feel like it holds me back. I was going to be in Toronto for September 2008 but cancelled because of the house not selling.
I watched the movie "Into the Wild". I have been thinking about it a lot because it is so bittersweet. Sometimes I can completely relate to him. I too, was once was all honest and found it horribly fustrating to realize that it isn't how people work. I love how this story describes freedom. Ultimate freedom being into the wild with no strings attached. I wish that I could just go somewhere.. get up and leave without having obligations. Not likely ey? It is one of those things that I hear most people say at least once.
I know that I say it all the time, but I am shocked how different my life is now than what I expected. And I am only 22. The pressure is more and more 'on' to be responsible as we get older and older. I can totally relate to the people who never settle down. I wish that I could have a real adventure. Even though I say this I realize that it probably won't happen. Not with my current situation at least. I really want to explore, but not in a structured way.
I went on a trip to Calgary which was awsome. I am surprised with how different it is compared with the maritimes! Even compared with Central Canada it is a huge change.
Another tihng about the "Into the Wild" story that makes me think is about solitude. Even though I love people and would be extremely lonely without anyone, I sometimes wish to be completely alone. I don't just mean alone for a day to myself. I sometimes wish that I could be alone for months and months at a time. I have fantasies about what it would be like. Life is so busy that I don't get too much time for self reflection any more. Now that I am a little more mature I understand that this is simply 'life'. I wonder if being alone would increase my creativity or simply make me see clearly that I have lost my creativity?
I think it would be interesting to be alone for an extended period of time and then see who would come across me. Would I have interesting insights? Or would I simply turn into a crazy?
Oh here is another thought... Children... I think that it is funny that I was brought up to automatically assume that I would have kids someday. It is made to seem to logical and natural. Would it be horribly selfish to not have children? I think that the ability to create life is amazing but why should I feel like I want to do this. It is interesting that so many people feel that they need to have children to be fufilled. I certainly want to be fufilled or to reach "self actualization" but I believe that baby making is not required.
Now this is not saying that I do not want to have kids, it is just me questioning how the idea of having kids was placed in my mind.
There is something that I need to do to reach fufillment, but I wonder if striving to reach this is what keeps humans active and happy. If I reached my full potential I guess that I can then continue to retain it, but I think that people would loose interest in life.
All that I know is that my deepest "want" is not material. I am not sure if it is an adventure or to attempt becomeing a better person but the "want" is there.
If only I could sufficently psychoanalize myself. haha.
questions questions questions. I am full of them.
Monday, July 28, 2008
summer 2008 = summer of damage. It all began at the end of May when I was leaving a local restaurant after supper. I was walking down a set of cement steps when I lost balence and went into the air face first. Luckily my legs managed to reach the cement before my face. The pain ran up my legs as if my bones have splintered.
Most recently involved a tumble in the grass burning my knees.
My legs are still covered in bruises cuts and burns.
Most recently involved a tumble in the grass burning my knees.
My legs are still covered in bruises cuts and burns.
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